Google Rolls Out New Linux Data Center
in The Dalles, Oregon
Facility lies on the Columbia River, 80 miles outside Portland.
The New Google Supercomputer near Portland, in The Dalles, Oregon, greatly expands Google's networking powers. The keyword search leader is forging ahead, leaving Microsoft, Yahoo and other competitors further behind.
Google has added thousands of new Linux servers across their enterprise, rolling out new Linux server farms in North Carolina and Virginia in conjunction with the release of the new Google Supercomputer in suburban Portland.
These latest moves by Google have caused wild position swings on Google's keyword results pages, leading some Marketing Directors likening the situation to a "wild roller coaster ride" for the last several weeks.
Third Quarter ‘07 is shaping up as of the most turbulent periods in recent Google history
Google is leading the charge by updating their keyword search results; re-sorting their results pages and lexicon databases, fast and furious, since early July 2007. The search engine leader is determined to become even deeper, by expanding the size of the search databases as fast as possible in efforts that help offset a long-pending merger of their two biggest competitors: Yahoo and MSN.
The stars are aligning and sources at all three companies are reporting that Microsoft intends to either acquire or merge search functions with Yahoo. If MSN and Yahoo are to merge together they acquire nearly 30% of all keyword search activity overnight.
Google's counter move has been to add thousands of new Linux servers across their enterprise; and here in the USA, Google has rolled out new server farms in North Carolina and Virginia, and is ramping up developments for the release of the new Google Supercomputer in Oregon.
The Google supercomputer project, code named "Project 02", is designed to greatly expand Google's network trafficking powers and global network capable of processing billions of search queries per day as well as a growing repertoire of delivering online tickets and other services. The new complex is the size of two football fields with cooling towers four stories high.
Google database re-sorts create huge swings in Google search results pages
Is your website riding the results page "roller-coaster" experiencing huge position swings in natural keyword placement on Google, either on a daily or weekly basis? If so, contact Peak Positions in Traverse City, Michigan.
Our Natural SEO Firm specializes in Algorithm Synchronization Programs, an exclusive "White Hat SEO" Technology that helps organizations and companies ethically establish and maintain consistent keyword placement at the top of the user-preferred, natural keyword results.
Drive new business revenues, expand your pipelines and establish more control within your industry, by securing and maintaining top keyword placement on the keywords that matter most to your bottom line.